28 May, 2011


I have a pair of nesting
 Cardinals right outside my front door.
About 2 1/2 ' away.

Everytime I look out the window I see her sitting patiently.
They make me slow down and smell the roses.
I snapped this while she was away.

These are the second pair of nesting birds of the season for my front porch.
I have a pair of sparrows up by one of the lights.
We must be bird friendly.
Good thing the cat doesn't go out front!

ann marie


  1. Aren't they sweet? I love that you have TWO of them. We have a sparrow that has 3 or 4 babies in a nest right outside our side garage door in a little protected entryway. I stood on a chair to look at them last night and they look quite feathered out. I want to get a pic tonight before they leave the nest~ Hope your weekend is wonderful! xxoo Diana


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