28 July, 2010

If at first you don't succeed...

                                                                 It's finally happened!
Year after year, I'd go home (Rhode Island) to visit, and to collect the dried flower heads of Queen Anne's Lace.  I'd bring them home to Texas and try my hardest to get them to grow.   Year after year, failure!  This was really frustrating to me.  I love a good garden challenge, and this was one of those plants I could not get to grow.  Heck, up until this year I couldn't even get them to sprout.  This time things were different for me. I scattered the seeds in a flower bed outside our bedroom window.  I certainly didn't have any high expectations, but when all the seedlings popped their heads through the soil, I couldn't stop smiling!

To a lot of people, these are just weeds, wildflowers.
They are one of my favorite flowers, and I missed them. 
They don't grow wild here, at least I've never seen them. 
 I would check daily to see how these guys were doing. 
Last week was another milestone.

Little flower buds!!
A few more days of sunshine and showers and this is what my little flower bed is looking like.

Finally, I have many of these...

Life is good.
ann marie

21 July, 2010

Studio Worktable Re-Vamped!

A little more has been completed in my studio.  I reworked my table. It was functional, but not much inspiration.

I had quite a bit of that pink and white seersucker fabric that I used on the settee.  I know, sometimes I just don't know when to say no to more fabric!

I played around with some pieces of tatting I forgot that I had, but re-discovered when I went through all my bins of fabric here.

Most of these are so intricate. 
 My Grandmother showed me how it was done, little bobbins are all I remember.
 Here are a few examples of what I have.

Can you imagine the patience it took to create these?!?
I still felt the table needed a little more to finish it off. 
I pulled this out, starched it really well, and threw it on.

Another $1 yardsale find.It boggles my mind that some people don't know what they have, so I'm glad it found a home with me!
I'm really happy with the final result. And it felt wonderful to cross something off my list of "what I need to do"!

What should I tackle next...
ann marie

20 July, 2010

Studio Progress-Kind Of...

Can you believe we're halfway through July?!?
I've had the "grandgirlie" with me a couple of weeks this summer. I had a blast, hope she did too. This last week, she helped me with a project. I haven't had much of a chance to work on my studio. I'd love to be able to give you a good reason why that was, but I don't have one. Oh well. Anyways, this is what we started with one morning this week.

The two of us put the shelves together, and just as we were about to start dragging my stash out, Daughter #1 called.  We were shooting the breeze for a few, and then Daughter #3 called.  I turned my back for a few minutes, and this is what I saw.

She was tired of waiting on me and proceeded to set up housekeeping for her family...5 baby dolls, and 4 of my yardsticks-9 children total.  Every time I had to measure/cut something, I had to ask her to borrow a baby!  And, she puts all of her "babies" down for naps on the floor with a blanket over them.  Really over them, picture a baby blanket on the floor with a bump(baby) in the middle-baby is UNDER the blanket.  I feel like there should be chalk outlines around each one. Even the yardstick babies are covered up.  I don't get much work done when the whole floor is covered and I have to watch where I step!
But I digress.
I had all my fabric in bins-about 13 or 14 to be exact.  This made it really difficult and impractical to access what I needed when a brilliant idea popped into my head. I headed over to Lowe's and found these very inexpensive shelves-minus a 10% military discount. I pulled all the bins out and popped that shelving against the wall and secured them to the wall with screws-just in case they started to lean forward.

As I emptied bin after bin, it felt really good to have easy access to all my fabrics.

I have to say though, I made a really big mess out of my studio.

It was so worth it.  One thing checked off the to-do list.
 Still on the list, painting this piece.

I'm trying to decide if I should paint the walls in here a color other than white.  So many choices, not a clue as to what would work at this point.  I also have the wall of fabric that hides all my fabric and sewing machine.

I'm not loving it, but I do like that it hides all kinds of stuff.
I'm open to suggestions and inspiration if you have any!
ann marie


04 July, 2010

Let Freedom Ring!!

This is what it's all about!
5 year old munchkins and how excited they get about the Parade!  We lucked out weather wise, Alex brought us rain all week, but none yesterday. However, it was a little humid. Not all that comfortable, but we did have a breeze!  Here's a few images of our parade.

Honor Guard

Our tax dollars...well spent.

We have a brand new Library that just opened a few months ago.

Our law enforcement officials bragging a little.  We all got a kick out of it though.

This little guy was the cutest!
He was walking down the street with his Cub Scout den shaking everyone's hand and wishing them a Happy 4th of July.

Local businesses also participated in the parade.
We have 2 High Schools here, and they both marched and played.  They're both very good.  And then the "Drill Team" marched by us.

I was rolling, but I loved it!  We were at the end of the parade route, and I'm guessing there were lots of other people taking pictures along the way.  That or they were a bit punchy after walking for an hour and a half in the humidity!

I love people with a sense of humor!

Our local Trailriders.

Along with their Chuck Wagon, it looks like they bring their own "Facilities".  For the Gals & the Cowboys.  I wonder if the Drill Team helped them put this together...

Pooper Scoopers.
Hey, someone has to do it!

We live 5 houses up from the park.  This is where the Schertz 4th of July Jubilee is taking place.  Good food, music and demonstrations of local talent taking place Friday evening thru Sunday night. It all ends with our fireworks display that we'll watch from the front yard.

If you're thinking about purchasing a cold adult beverage, you'll have to show the police officer some ID,  regardless of how old you are.  My husband got carded...that really doesn't happen to him very often lately!
I hope that all you guys and Daughter #1 on MV and Daughter #3 in Arkansas have a happy and safe
4th of July!!

ann marie