28 March, 2011

DIY Shutters and House Colors

It's been a few hectic weeks here lately.
Who am I kidding, it seems to always be hectic here.
Taylor was home for Spring Break.
Andrea and Caroline visited from Boston.
Caroline hung out with her cousins,
Emry and Matry!

There has been progress on Taylor's cottage, too.
Paint colors were finally chosen.
Thanks Andrea.
This is what we chose.
Remember before?

This is where we're at right now.

I went to HD and picked this up.

A couple of hours, some paint and screws and this is what I accomplished.
Shutters and trim around that tiny awkward window!

I also made shutters for this window.

I've planted some plants and will make the beds around them, kind of backwards, but the weather is perfect for planting right now.

I still have lots to do, like paint the sides.
But I am making progress.
Taylor will be moving back home in 6 short weeks!
Can't wait.
Here's one more before and after.
The magic of paint!

Today's progress.

Sorry if I rambled.

ann marie

17 March, 2011

The Beauty in My Life Today!

Have you ever taken a step back from your life and marveled at how wonderful it truly is?
I do that as often as I remember to.
This is what I am so thankful for today.

I think I'm the luckiest person I know.
I have a husband who encourages me to do what makes me happy.
I have three daughters that continue to amaze me.
We were either really good parents or we got really lucky.
I like to think it's a little of both.
I have son in laws that I like and respect.
No small feat.
However, these little girls have stolen our hearts.



Really, does it get any better than this?
A little.
Taylor and Andrea will visit us next week.
Andrea's bringing Caroline of course.
I'll have my three girls with my three granddaughters.
Someone pinch me.

ann marie

05 March, 2011

The Kitchen's Moving Along

There were some good things to say about this kitchen.
The cabinetry was newer, although basic.
Plumbing and electrical updated.
That's it.
Add some sweat equity and this is where we are right now.

This kitchen is so not square.
It took so long to figure out how I wanted to lay the tile.
Then I jumped in with both feet!

Before and Now

Here it is grouted.

ann marie

02 March, 2011

Lamp Love

The lamp love bug strikes again.
They were calling my name as I was in line at GW.

I didn't even try to resist.
Wonderful glazing.

Sweet, graceful lines.
Now on to mission #B.

They're such a struggle for me.
Any suggestions?

ann marie